[announce] Next NYC*Bug: March 3rd Gaming on OpenBSD: Pearls, Pitfalls, Paranoia

NYC*BUG Announcements announce at lists.nycbug.org
Fri Feb 26 13:15:42 EST 2021

The Next NYC*Bug Zoom meeting will be held March 3rd 18:45 EST / 23:45 UTC

Gaming on OpenBSD: Pearls, Pitfalls, Paranoia, by Thomas Frohwein

OpenBSD has had a long-standing reputation for its security focus, but
is also surprisingly good as a desktop OS once you've made it past the
initial barriers. It hasn't been known for gaming (other than
tetris(6)), leading users to play on other platforms like a Windows
box or game consoles. But now, things are changing one
emulator|sourceport|game engine at a time.

Follow thfr@ on a years-long journey to try to extend the advantages
offered by OpenBSD to more and better gaming - from hardware support
to security mitigations at play, to ultimately overcoming multiple
barriers and growing both OpenBSD's gaming library and its gaming

For Zoom meeting details, email to rsvp AT lists.nycbug.org, and
details will be sent on the day of the meeting.

Speaker Biography

Thomas Frohwein is a German expat living in Montana. He has been
OpenBSD user since 2014, and developer (thfr@) since 2018. His primary
focus has been improving gaming options on OpenBSD and he maintains
the (eternally unfinished) webpage playonbsd.com with the infamous
shopping guide in an attempt to sabotage the productivity of OpenBSD
hackers and tempt them to drain their notoriously low bank accounts.
His dayjob is working as a physician which in this day and age is
almost equivalent to being an IT specialist.

More Info and Zoom invite details:

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