Hi all, <br><br>I haven't recieved any responses on which day is good for people, except from Patrick. Having just spoken with Jesse, I was thinking that we could try for tomorrow night (Tuesday). I think it would be nice to be able to meet this month, but I am flexible. I know that some won't be available due to holidays, breaks, vacations and whatnot, so the other option would seem to be the first or second week of January.
<br><br>In any event, unless others would prefer anothe time I'd like to try for Panera in East Greenbush tomorrow eveing, say 5:30pm? <br><br>The Panera in East Greenbush is on Rte 4 In the same lot as walmart. (Exit 9 off I-90 then rte 4 towards troy) I imagine that those of you coming from Troy could simply come up 4, though the one time I went that way 90 turned out to be faster....
<br><br>Anyhow let me know. <br><br>-Jonathan<br>