Hi all,<br><br>I'm working on a project to deliver ddns to two subnets at different sites connected via VPN over two Sonic Wall appliances. (pre-existing)<br><br>At the main site I have a server running OpenBSD 4.0 with ISC-DHCP installed. The server is also running SAMBA and is acting as a domain controller for the 20 or so windows clients in the network (at both sites). At the main site ddns is working just fine. The trouble is that I have installed a second, smaller OpenBSD server at the remote site, also running ISC-DHCP. I copied the
dhcpd.conf file from the main server and simply changed the scope to match the local subnet at the remote site. The updates are authenticated using an MD5 key, and so I had assumed that it would "just work" but I was apparently mistaken.
<br><br>The remote DHCP works fine so far as DHCP is concerned, however the zone updates are failing.<br><br>On the remote DHCP server the logs indicate "No such RRset"<br><br>and on the primary server two errors show up again and again in the logs :
<br><br>Mar 11 18:39:06 cpt named[14165]: client updating zone '<a href="http://foo.com/IN">foo.com/IN</a>': update unsuccessful: <a href="http://barb.foo.com">barb.foo.com</a>: 'name not in use' prerequisite not satisfied (YXDOMAIN)
<br><br>Mar 11 18:39:06 cpt named[14165]: client updating zone '<a href="http://foo.com/IN">foo.com/IN</a>': update unsuccessful: <a href="http://barb.foo.com/TXT">barb.foo.com/TXT</a>: 'RRset exists (value dependent)' prerequisite not satisfied (NXRRSET)
<br><br><br><br>So, I'm confused. I have tried deleting the records from both the forward and reverse zones for the workstation, and the results are the same. Google yields results, but so far everything deals with a single dhcp server, and my BIND info doesn't seem to address such a scenario. I am assuming that it is possible to have more than one DHCP server updating a zone, though I suppose I could be wrong about this.
<br><br>Any thoughts would be appreciated, as I have been working on this on and off for some time with little success and it's getting a bit frustrating.<br><br>Thanks!<br><br>-Jonathan<br>