[NYCBSDCon] badges

George Rosamond george at ceetonetechnology.com
Tue Sep 14 11:56:47 EDT 2010


Since you're dealing with the brochure and the flier with the qr, we 
need badges :)

They will probably have to be done locally, on Friday Nov 12th.

I'll have some past ones for you when I see you this week, besides the 

Front should be:

*  status (attendee, speaker, sponsor, organizer)

*  name

*  entity/organization

*  then we have minutes since Unix time started on the bottom to the 
conference start on the bottom.

On the back we've had a slimmed-down schedule. . . which we can discuss.

Let me know if it's do-able on your end.

I can do a simple mark-up in OOo for a start.  Measurements are 2.5" x 4"


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