[NYCBSDCon] - Merch (T-Shirts,...stickers perhaps?)

Patrick McEvoy patmcevoy at mac.com
Thu Jan 23 18:38:49 EST 2014

George Rosamond wrote:
> Patrick McEvoy:
>> Brian Callahan wrote:
>>> On 12/18/13 16:40, George Rosamond wrote:
>>>> Patrick McEvoy:
>>>>> Wanted to get this ball rolling as January will be here before we
>>>>> know it.
>>>> cool.
>>>>> T-Shirts:
>>>>> So I was thinking we have two directions we can go for T-Shirts:
>>>>> Front: (Required)
>>>>> 1 Work from Ike's Logo.
>>>>> 2 Work from Ike's Flyer (Probably do not need a QR code, but it MAY
>>>>> look
>>>>> cool on the sleeve)
>>>>> Back: (Not required)
>>>>> If we go with 2 sided we could have the logos for the 4 main BSDs in
>>>>> Chronological order. (See attached JPG)
>>>> either way.
>>>> The old tshirt had a small NYC*BUG logo on left breast, with one of
>>>> these two on back:
>>>> 1. the logo larger
>>>> 2. a 'custom' dmesg with little easter eggs in it.
>>>>> Stickers:
>>>>> Also, do we want to go with stickers? If so, bumper, CPU case, those
>>>>> oval country stickers, a BSD Stick-Figure-family?
>>>> No idea... stick-figure-family?
>>>> stickers are pretty cheap and easy. . . just the logo, maybe oval, would
>>>> be cool IMHO. maybe 3" wide?
>>>>> Just let me know what you guys are looking for and I will get prices
>>>>> and
>>>>> delivery dates.
>>>> nice.
>>> Too bad we don't have an official NYC*BUG jingle - then we could get
>>> shirts with the speakers in them :)
>> With the right budget, all things are possible. I have a amateur radio
>> connect to Diana Eng, so we can really go "out there" if you like.
>> http://www.dianaeng.com/
> nice, but a bit 'out there'
>>> I know the new logo was designed to be colored as one wishes, but I'm
>>> assuming we're sticking with the traditional red for these?
>> Yes, I think the red and black is the way to go. We are establishing the
>> NYCBUG brand so why change now. *(gritting teeth through marketing speak)
> yes
>> Meeting with the merch guys on Monday so any ideas are welcome.
>> Are there any additions of copy? Maybe the "The BSDs in Production." tag
>> line along with  "NYCBSDCon 2014". Perhaps on the back wit the logos?
>> Please let me know what you think. I would like to have as solid as
>> design as possible before I meet the guys Monday. Changes cost money.
> so i think going  as simple as possible.
> the logo, the date, "sponsored by "...
> g

Looking to finalize the TShirt design as soon as I can.

**TShirt design:

Front: NYCBSDCon logo on left breast


(NYC*BSD Logo)
Sponsored by:
(Who do we include?)
Logos of the BSDs?

Stickers: 3" oval of NYC*BSD Logo

How does that sound to you guys?


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