some needs

N.J. Thomas njt at
Mon Jan 27 00:17:01 EST 2014

* George Rosamond <george at> [2014-01-26 10:45:49-0500]:
> > I tried to stay as faithful as possible to Ike's original version:
> > (, but I couldn't
> > reproduce the logo exactly.
> np

I sent me the official logo, so I incorporated that.

I also updated the www url color to match the "BSD red" that Ike's logo

> I think the topics are better to put... also I think Percival is a
> FreeBSD guy?

Good idea. Changed.

> Wow.  Interesting.  Overall, I like it.   I do think the speaker changes
> noted above would be good.

Done. Here's the new versions:


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