[nycbug-talk] NYTCHP

G. Rosamond george
Fri Dec 17 00:10:04 EST 2004

Just posted to Daemon News:

This past Wednesday, the New York City *BSD User Group and New York PHP 
hosted a holiday party with hundreds of attendees.

The event, entitled the New York Technical Community Holiday Party was 
held in an exclusive space in Manhattan's Soho, where the attendees 
networked, spoke with the sponsors and of course drank enormous 
quantities of beer and wine.

The event was free, and was sponsored by Tech Web/CMP Publishing, New 
York Internet, O'Reilly and Associates, Source Labs, Wiley, Usenix, 
Zend, Pilosoft, Cyber X Designs, Penguin Netwerx, LoftMail/Biz 
Integrators, TechVenue.com and NYC Wireless, and of course BSD 
Mall/Daemon News. The Soho Apple Store donated a 20 gig iPod and 
General Computer and Services donated a killer video card for a raffle.

A collection was also taken for the OpenBSD Hackathon to be held in May 

Attendees represented firms from IBM, AT&T, Goldman Sachs to small 
consulting operations. The event officially ended until 10:30 pm, but 
the last of the party-goers staggered home from the after-after-party 
at 4 am or so.

Some pictures of the event are posted on the NYC*BUG site in the 
Gallery section under NYTCHP. 

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