[nycbug-talk] Important about finances of FBSD

G T unixenigma
Tue Dec 21 13:54:18 EST 2004

Would it be better to collect money through NYC*BUG and then donate to
the FreeBSD Foundation? Or should it be just single member direct donation
to the FreeBSD Foundation?
I wonder how many users NYC*BUG has. Then multiply, let's say $100 each ;) 
(less or more $ - i don't know :) ) should be some nice number...

"G. Rosamond" <george at sddi.net> wrote:
See the section under

The FreeBSD Foundation's 501(c)3 Status

at http://www.freebsdfoundation.org/press/20041221-newsletter.shtml

We can help fix this, IMO.

Let's open up some discussion on this. . . We are likely the largest 
regional BSD user group. We should come up with some ideas to 
alleviate this. . . losing or having to defend non-profit status is a 
big hassle.


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