[nycbug-talk] noob questions

Trish Lynch trish
Mon May 3 12:13:19 EDT 2004

On Sun, 2 May 2004, Tilly wrote:

> OK forgot some stuff too,
> Some other things about portage is that i can update every package that
> needs to be up date which was emerge -u world. That was another nice thing
> and it also doesnt put the tarball in the folder where the ebuild is. It
> puts it in a a tmp folder.
> Tilly
> P.S. Their are probalyl more things.

again, the tools are there.... cvsup set up correctly will update your
ports tree, portupgrade, etc.

Trish Lynch					   trish at bsdunix.net
Ecartis Core Team 			      trish at listmistress.org
EFNet IRC Operator/SysAdmin @ irc.dkom.at             AilleCat at EFNet
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