[nycbug-talk] Lab environment

Mikel King mikel.king
Thu May 20 10:10:30 EDT 2004

Pete Wright wrote:

> Mikel King wrote:
>> Isaac Levy wrote:
>>> On May 19, 2004, at 10:54 PM, G.Rosamond wrote:
>>>>> So I'll keep volunteered if some folks get my back on this 
>>>>> stuff... <g>
>>>> I think the parameters need to be elaborated on the list, and then 
>>>> we can worry about the setups.
>>> Agreed-
>>> To re-state some of my generalizing in my response to Sunny, this is 
>>> the kind of thing I'm looking for out of this:
>>> - Sanity of setup and administration across various architectures
>>> - Network Verbosity vs. ease of use
>>> - Implimentation Sanity for different architectures, (i.e. perhaps, 
>>> for example, the native SMB implementation on a given platform 
>>> sucks, while it's awesome on a different platform)
>>> - General End User Experience (i.e. start a server runing one of the 
>>> services, and test several laptops using the service with different 
>>> OS's)
>>> - General NAS Use Experiences
>>> - Resilience to Network Failure (ohh- nfs can make FUN for client 
>>> machines on various platforms :)
>>> That's my blabbing- somebody want to start another thread with a 
>>> formal list of tests?
>>> Rocket-
>>> .ike
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>> Have we found a suitable location yet?  I am working on a client of 
>> mine who recently upgraded to allow me to take several of their old 
>> machines in which case we could possibly use them for this lab 
>> experiment. If not however; I happen to know that we are in the 
>> process of upgrading our NOC and have several Proliant 800's that 
>> might prove useful as well, but this all depends on timing.  Of 
>> course that leads to the second possibility, our NOC while neither 
>> spacious nor...uh what's the correct word I'm looking for here, um 
>> well let's just say that here at OCS looks ain't everything. We could 
>> maybe shoe horn a group of engineers to deploy these boxes. I have 
>> enough rack space and bw to get this going.
>> m!
> wow, your NOC sounds pretty promising, i was going to offer my some 
> space at my office, but it's quite crowded/dirty here.  i'd definatly 
> be up from hacking on any equipment we do get...installs etc..
> -pete
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>> talk mailing list
>> talk at lists.nycbug.org
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As I said it ain't pretty...in fact  rustic comes to mind. But I would 
ike to have 3 or 4 identical machines to build the test bed on, and a 
MAC of course.

Linux (flavor of the day)
FreeBSD 5.x
MAC OS 10.3
Netware? I might be able to aquire a NFR copy for testing...

Of course we would need a few volunteers to come int one evening and 
fire these things off. 

Obviously this all depends on if you want to ry it here....


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