[nycbug-talk] NYCBUG & NYI

Okan Demirmen okan
Fri Apr 22 09:07:20 EDT 2005

Greetings all,

Great news, we've had great success in securing a partnership-type
deal with NYI (NY Internet). Some of you may remember them from
their booth at this past year's holiday party. They expressed a
genuine interest in NYCBUG and the *BSDs, and we've reciprocated.
NYI is a long-time user of FreeBSD and a well-respected firm which
regularly ranks in the top 10 of the providers with the best uptimes
according to Netcraft.

While working to find a way help promote and support the *BSDs, NYI
*generously* offered up some free colo and a nice chunk of bandwidth
for NYCBUG. In turn, we have been offering the BSD projects a free
mirror location.  A shiny new OpenBSD mirror is basically in and
the other projects are moving along. For our initial offer we have
approached the following projects:


We will be approaching other *BSD supporters, such as Daemon News,
BSD Mall and Freesbie in the coming weeks. Other suggestions welcome.

In addition to providing a mirror location for BSD projects, we
would like to also offer a few services to others as well.  In
addition to colocating our very own web and mail server, we'd like
to give back to NYPHP, for they have been instrumental in our success
so far. We are currently brainstorming, but would like to poll the
NYCBUG community for suggestions.  The ideas may range from providing
secondary NS to full blown solutions - be careful though, someone
has to manage it all ;)

This is a huge win for NYCBUG. We, as a user group, are now able
to approach BSD projects and provide more than a solid user base.
With partners such as NYI, we can hopefully provide the needed

Thank You.

Okan Demirmen <okan at demirmen.com>
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