[nycbug-talk] Never mind

Jim Brown jpb
Fri Aug 5 16:51:09 EDT 2005

* Joshua S. Freeman <jfreeman at nybg.org> [2005-08-05 16:32]:
> Ok, I reformatted the disk... And only used 50% of it to create a FreeBSD
> partition and then I had the installer automatically create the slices to
> fit in that partition...
> The install is going now.. Still.. That was mightly confusing that I
> couldn't create that fifth slice myself.
> J.
> -- 

You might actually want to reconsider using the 'auto' option to
allocate filesystems and sizes.  One reason is inadequate download 

Some web browers and ftp clients insist on using /tmp as the download
area for files you request to be downloaded.  Say you want to download
the next BSD OS release- generally 650+ MB-  you may need to have
that much space in /tmp to actually download the file.  Once the 
download is complete, the app moves the file to whereever you wanted
to put it.

My own layout is usually something like this:

slice  mount    size
  a     /        1GB
  b    (swap)   2 x memory size
  c    (char. disk)
  d    /home     1GB
  e    /opt      1GB
  f    /tmp      1GB
  g    /var      1GB
  h    /usr      remainder of disk

Aside from root, swap, and chardisk, the mount points
form the acronym 'hotvu'  which makes it easy for me
to remember.

Other layouts anyone?

Jim B.

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