[nycbug-talk] BSD on a desktop (revisited)

Scott Robbins scottro
Sun Aug 7 02:04:42 EDT 2005

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On Sun, Aug 07, 2005 at 01:41:35AM -0400, Francisco Reyes wrote:
> On Sun, 7 Aug 2005, Scott Robbins wrote:
> >that's another thing that aterm gives me.  With its fading option, the
> >terminal that has focus is brighter than the others, so I know where I
> >am.  This, of course, is personal taste--many people prefer tabs.
> I didn't even know about this fading option. :-)

I often have six or seven aterms open, I'd be lost without fading.  In


works for me.  (The lower the number, the darker the unused terminals.

> And I am with you on different windows.. although I am curious which program 
> has tabs to see how that would work.. but I can't imagine that working for me.

There's mrxvt for one.  

- -- 

Scott Robbins

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