[nycbug-talk] SSH not working for particular user

Charles Sprickman spork
Tue Aug 9 14:52:41 EDT 2005

On Tue, 9 Aug 2005, Francisco Reyes wrote:

> On Sun, 7 Aug 2005, George R. wrote:
>> /etc/ssh/sshd_config under logging.
>> LogLevel INFO
> That must be the current default.. my home machine is set like that.. These 
> machines I "inheritted" I noticed that they commented out on most (possibly 
> all) the settings from sshd_conf.. so will have to go machine by machine and 
> change..

I'm not sure about that, I'm still suspecting a screwy syslog.conf.  The 
FreeBSD sshd_config file generally has everything commented out, and it's 
assumed that the values there are the defaults.

> Makes me nervous having to restart ssh though. :-(
> No remote connection to them other than ssh for now...

You can try this on something safe, but at some point I noticed that 
OpenSSH does not kill off/restart it's children when you HUP the parent 
process.  Very handy for situations like this.


> Eventually want to see if can convince the owner to get IP KVMs.
> In particular was looking at the ATEN IP KVM
> http://www.aten-usa.com/?category_product&cat=577&PHPSESSID=e4698f23f4105d462dcc2f7840b1b846
> http://www.cdw.com/shop/products/default.aspx?EDC=660032
> Also was looking at
> http://www.kvms.com/16-port-kvm-over-ip-switch.asp
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