[nycbug-talk] Researching ISP for an IP

bruno bruno
Sun Aug 14 01:16:39 EDT 2005

On Sun, Aug 14, 2005 at 12:08:47AM -0400, Francisco Reyes wrote:
> Someone launched a dictionary attack against my machine.
> Nothing new...
> However, I always use IP2Location to see where 
> the attack is coming from.. just for my curiosity.
> This particular IP,, was from New York so I figure I would 
> try to find the ISP to complain.
> dig -x reports
> 78337 IN    PTR     ros75-27.optonline.net.
> but then
> dig ros75-27.optonline.net
> ;ros75-27.optonline.net.                IN      A
> Tried traceroute and mtr, but got nowhere.
> Not even ping did anything when I tried
> ping
> Is it possibly the attacker just spoofed the IP?

It pings, at least now.

Those are usually hacked zombies. To report, do a whois on the IP/subnet.

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