[nycbug-talk] Monitoring programs

Bob Ippolito bob
Sat Aug 20 23:44:45 EDT 2005

On Aug 20, 2005, at 5:18 PM, Marc Spitzer wrote:

> On 8/20/05, Francisco Reyes <lists at natserv.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, 19 Aug 2005, Marc Spitzer wrote:
>> Today is "learn mysql" day, but plan tomorrow to take a look at the
>> mentioned packages.. although I am tempted to just capture the  
>> output of
>> df, du and "w" for now and dump it into a PostgreSQL database for  
>> now..
> If you know postgres, why play with mysql?

Uh yeah.  I've had more bad experiences this month with MySQL than  
anyone should ever have with a RDBMS.  These things are supposed to  
be robust and reliable, MySQL is neither.  Granted, we're doing ~150  
queries/sec and have > 4GB data in there, but still.  Stay away if  
you can!


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