[nycbug-talk] NCD X-Terminals Up for Grabs

Josh McCormack joshmccormack
Thu Jan 20 14:11:56 EST 2005

If anyone has some cool ideas of what to do with these I could drive out 
and pick up a bunch with my mini van and bring them somewhere. I'd like 
to learn how to use them if anyone else would.


Paul Dlug wrote:

> If anyone is interested we have quite a few NCD Explora 450 X-Terminals 
> (2mb video, 16mb RAM, standard VGA port) available, we had them booting 
> off Solaris servers but I'm sure they'd work with anything.
> We're doing some office cleaning so if anyone wants them please let me 
> know by today, I'm willing to hold on to them for a while if needed. We 
> have about 15-20 up for grabs. These are for pick up only, we are in 
> Ridge, NY (exit 68 on the LIE).
> --Paul
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