[nycbug-talk] BSDCert Competition

Dan Langille dan at langille.org
Sat May 20 10:45:02 EDT 2006

On 20 May 2006 at 10:43, Dru wrote:

> >Caught this today and thought it may be something we would want to take a
> >crack at:
> >http://www.bsdcertification.org/index.php?NAV=News&Item=pr026
> >Any idea's?
> No discussion yet on this thread? (sniff, sniff)
> Well, I could always shave my head, but that would require raising a fair 
> chunk of change as I'd have to convince my employer it was worth me standing
> in front of several months worth of corporate training classes hairless...

I'd pay money to see your head shaved... hell, I'd shave it for you.

I'd offer the same thing, but a #1 clipper isn't much different from 

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