[nycbug-talk] AsiaBSDCon!!!! Traceroute Postcard

Isaac Levy ike at lesmuug.org
Fri Mar 9 22:30:50 EST 2007

Here's a traceroute from the University of Tokyo, (amazing facility  

Wish you were all here!

ikebook:/Users/ike ike$ traceroute -I nycbug.org
traceroute to nycbug.org (, 64 hops max, 60 byte packets
1 (  2.508 ms  2.885 ms  1.477 ms
2  ra36-vlan2.nc.u-tokyo.ac.jp (  2.803 ms  2.321 ms   
1.994 ms
3  ra37-vlan3.nc.u-tokyo.ac.jp (  2.656 ms  4.529 ms   
1.531 ms
4  tokyo-s1-g2-0.sinet.ad.jp (  1.687 ms  1.570 ms   
1.607 ms
5  tokyo-core1-p3-0.sinet.ad.jp (  2.465 ms  3.729 ms   
3.187 ms
6  nii-s1-p4-0.sinet.ad.jp (  2.343 ms  3.088 ms  2.223 ms
7  nii-gate2-p4-0.sinet.ad.jp (  1.978 ms  2.079 ms   
5.593 ms
8  lax-gate1-p4-1.sinet.ad.jp (  102.732 ms  102.793  
ms  103.630 ms
9  ge-6-3.car1.losangeles1.level3.net (  102.887 ms   
102.871 ms  102.795 ms
10  ae-1-51.bbr1.losangeles1.level3.net (  108.178 ms   
103.090 ms  102.980 ms
11  as-1-0.bbr2.newyork1.level3.net (  174.067 ms   
174.183 ms ae-0-0.bbr1.newyork1.level3.net (  174.118 ms
12  ae-24-54.car4.newyork1.level3.net (  173.763 ms  
ae-14-53.car4.newyork1.level3.net (  173.887 ms  174.927 ms
13  core01-gige-100-william.nyi.net (  174.467 ms   
173.763 ms  176.893 ms
14  cs30.nyinternet.net (  173.842 ms  178.052 ms   
174.230 ms
15  * * *
16  * * *
17 (  193.813 ms  187.008  
ms  189.635 ms

On Mar 10, 2007, at 12:24 PM, Isaac Levy wrote:

> Hi all!
> So today is the first day of the normal proceedings for  
> AsiaBSDCon!  So far there have already been some full-day tutorial  
> sessions, which I couldn't attend...
> I'm taking boatloads of pics, will try to figure out how/where to  
> post them, and will make some kind of post about the con!
> Rocket-
> .ike
> p.s.: TOKYO ROCKS.  For the time ever for me, NYC seems like a  
> small place- this city is like a medieval village, set about 70  
> years in the future, 36 million people...  Amazing.

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