[nycbug-talk] BSDCan 2007

Massimiliano Stucchi stucchi at willystudios.com
Fri Mar 30 09:39:23 EDT 2007

Hi all,

like the last two years, me and a few Italians are coming over for
BSDCan, passing by NYC.

We are organizing the trip at the moment, and would like to find out if
there's anybody out there wanting to share a trip over to Ottawa by car
with us.  We are probably going to rent a car, but if anybody else show
up, we could also rent a van and accomodate a few other people.

Only thing to note is that we are going up on tuesday, since I'll be
holding my tutorial right on wednesday, so I'm aware this could be a
showstopper for some of you out there...

If anybody is interested in coming with us, just drop me an email

Ciao !

Massimiliano Stucchi, CTO & Director of Operations
WillyStudios.com - IT Consulting, Web and VoIP Services
stucchi at willystudios.com | Tel (+39) 0244417203 | Fax (+39) 0244417204
IT-20040, Carnate (Milano), via Carducci 9

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