[nycbug-talk] Random Server name generator

Mikel King mikel.king at olivent.com
Thu Aug 2 11:17:12 EDT 2012

On Aug 1, 2012, at 3:58 PM, Mark Saad wrote:

> All
>  I wanted to share a bit of silly unix fun , here is how I pick new
> server hostnames.
> /usr/games/random -f /usr/share/dict/web2 | head -n 1
> An old topic but always a relevant one, how do you name your servers ,
> with logical names nybetaweb02 or
> memorable ones like "terraefilial"
> -- 
> Mark Saad | mark.saad at ymail.com

I always tend toward the memorable names with relevant CNAMES for the services which make it easier to move services around as needed. 

Regarding memorable names I've used cartoon characters, Greek, Egyptian, & Norse mythologies, as well as characters from Star Trek, Star Wars, Battlestar Galactic and the entire 20+K years history of Dune. Honestly there' is nothing better than having a client call up saying that "Wilma is down" or "Nobody can connect to Ziodberg."


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