[nycbug-talk] Equipment recycling resources

Bruno Scap mlists at konjz.org
Fri Jan 6 11:08:03 EST 2012

On 06/01/2012 10:52 AM, mikel king wrote:
> I have a client that has an excess of dead junk. As a result of their
> ecologically conscientiousness,I have been researching local recycling
> facilities. Currently, with the exception of rechargeable batteries, it
> is still legal for NYC residents to discard electronics in the trash
> until the year 2015. However, neither my client nor I feel that this is
> the responsible thing to do.
> http://www.nyc.gov/html/nycwasteless/html/stuff/harmful_hh_prod_electronics.shtml
> These are some of the companies that I have found so far.
> Has anyone had any experience with them?
> Does anyone know of others that I can add to the list?

I recycled with http://www.lesecologycenter.org.

Very easy, no hassle. Drive up, open the trunk and they take the junk.

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