[nycbug-talk] Raspberry Pi FreeBSD images

Eric Radman ericshane at eradman.com
Wed Oct 30 10:53:47 EDT 2013

On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 10:22:51AM -0400, George Rosamond wrote:
> armed.nycbug.org's FreeBSD image is up and the sha256 is accurate, based
> on the svn revision from yesterday AM.
> If anyone tests and has issues, ping me offlist.
> Also, the arm pkgng repo on mirrors.nycbug.org is staying moderately
> up-to-date, so let me know, offlist again, if you're having any issues.
> At this point, I'm sticking with 10 'stable' which is at beta2, instead
> of sticking with head at 11.  Can I assume that the useful arm updates
> will happen there, and not just in the 11 branch?
> g

http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/current-stable.html Who Needs FreeBSD-STABLE?

	Those interested in tracking or contributing to the FreeBSD
	development process, especially as it relates to the next
	"point" release of FreeBSD, should consider following

So another way of asking the question is: what kind of bug fixes and
features that relate to a "point" release?


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