[talk] Teaching BSD to students

George Neville-Neil gnn at neville-neil.com
Sat Oct 3 20:33:51 EDT 2015

On 3 Oct 2015, at 20:29, George Rosamond wrote:

> George Neville-Neil:
>> On 2 Oct 2015, at 20:44, Brian Callahan wrote:
>>> A keeping everyone up to date email!
>>> I did a guest lecture/lab course last Friday in RPI's Open Source
>>> (freshman/sophomore) course. The goal of the lab was to submit a doc
>>> fix to FreeBSD or OpenBSD:
>>> https://github.com/rcos/CSCI2961-01/blob/master/Labs/Lab4.Md
>>> It resulted in 2 diffs to OpenBSD and over 20 to FreeBSD.
>>> The FreeBSD Foundation wants to use it as a base to develop their own
>>> stand-alone class on the topic, and I've been asked to write up a
>>> paragraph or two for their next newsletter.
>>> Anyhow, it was fun and neat and different. And the kids seemed to like
>>> it. This seems to be a positive, effective way to plant the seed of
>>> BSD into the next generation.
>> Excellent!  The Foundation is also developing materials to share with
>> various
>> folks intersted in teaching at all levels.  I'll post here once our
>> University
>> level materials are on line.
> GNN:
> Maybe you could explain more details on the angle on the course
> materials, such as education level, etc.
> I'm currently in the realm of elementary school through high school
> students, so I'm very curious to hear more.

Well, Deb Goodkin and Justin Gibbs are the ones doing the primary
school work and they just started.  Robert Watson and I are working
on University level and Practitioner courses.  I can hook you up
with Deb and Justin if you're interested.

Ping me off list.


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