[talk] Climate Mirror

Isaac (.ike) Levy ike at blackskyresearch.net
Wed Dec 14 00:29:53 EST 2016


> On Dec 13, 2016, at 9:36 PM, Mirimir <mirimir at riseup.net> wrote:
> On 12/13/2016 05:07 PM, Pete Wright wrote:
>> Not to go super political on this list - but I'm personally pretty keen
>> to preserve climate science related data-sets for future generations (as
>> well as our own).  So in that light - wondering if anyone has taken a
>> look at this:
>> http://climatemirror.org/
>> I'm investigating now to see if there are any datasets I can help mirror
>> - if anyone else on this list is interested let me know, maybe we can
>> make a large scale effort?

I’m 100% in.  Any job for a big ZFS server and a lot of disk makes me quite happy :)

[x] Colo: If there is general consensus that this is worthwhile, NYC*BUG does have colo space for a big isolated storage box.

[x] Admins: There is certainly enough admin experience around NYC*BUG to keep some storage/mirrors online, and I’d be quite enthused to take lead to get this one bootstrapped.

[?] Server(s): Acquiring the hardware, and a box of 8tb disks, well- that may take a second to get a HW donation which works…

> Some of these datasets are humongous. Many TB.

In-deedy :)

> I wonder about
> alternatives to straight-up mirrors. I mean, a 100TB server is a
> nontrivial investment.

Nontrivial, but not impossible.  Shooting from the hip, based on a brand-new supermicro storage without many frills:

- 3u supermicro with 24x SATA drive bays, 32g ram, a few cheap bottom-of-curve CPU’s
- 20 pcs 8TB sata disks, $220 * 20

So lets say 9500 bucks.  I’m already thinking of vendors to ping for straight donations.
(By December end, I know there will be some 3-year-old inventory that would serve our purposes)

> Maybe torrents, IPFS, ...? Or a collaborative
> distributed file system. Perhaps using QFS, MFS or LFS?

While I just got pretty excited about NYC*BUG’s ability to take this on whole hog, I ABSOLUTELY would love to see this explored further.

Could you propose something we could get involved in as a group from NYC*BUG, perhaps something people can run to donate a small chunk of their own smaller servers?


>> -pete
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