[talk] Recommendations for PATA?

Isaac (.ike) Levy ike at blackskyresearch.net
Sun Jul 3 17:00:12 EDT 2016

Hey All,

I've searched around, but I'd love to know if anyone on list has experience with some great PATA->USB solution?

I'm looking to consolidate the contents of some old PATA drives, about 30x drives to dump and destroy.  (half dozen of them are 2.5" PATA).

Aside from various cheap cable PATA/USB converters, has anyone seen any good cabling hardware/setup for old PATA drives?  I've grown accustomed to the convenience of the SATA "Toasters" for this sort of consolidation work- SATA is obviously so much more forgiving...
All the old PATA bent pins, jumpers, etc... I'm looking for some setup that helps me minimize all the breakage and get this work completed relatively painlessly and reliably from a HW perspective.

Thanks in advance for any recommendations?!


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