[talk] PCEngines APU question

Isaac (.ike) Levy ike at blackskyresearch.net
Fri Oct 21 14:36:46 EDT 2016


> On Oct 21, 2016, at 2:30 PM, George Rosamond <george at ceetonetechnology.com> wrote:
> Has anyone run an APU as a production server?

Yes absolutely, APU (original not APU2), with 1Tb Samsung 850evo SSD, formatted with ZFS even, FreeBSD 10.x.  HTTP and automated file shuffling / backup applications, so the little suckers weren’t idle.  The SSD cost more than the APU, but absolutely worth it- 500Gb variants are much much cheaper.

With applied use actually using the CPU for applications, did not use ZFS compression to improve IO- (ssd was plenty fast).

Uptime nearly 10 months the last time I touched em.

> I'm not talking about a network device (firewall, etc).. but rather a
> full server using mSATA storage?

I chose stable storage from guidelines here,

SSD media is surprisingly persnickety, some of it is real garbage so it’s important to just check reviews online for various mSata SSD’s before buying.

> Curious about experiences.  It seems like a decent alternative to i/o
> light functionality.

Actually, it’s impressive how performant the APU’s were in practice— truly a punchy little box, particularly with enough storage.  Do it!


> g
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