[talk] upcoming meetings

George Rosamond george at ceetonetechnology.com
Wed Sep 7 09:51:45 EDT 2016

admin@ is working on the upcoming meetings, but if anyone has anything
interesting they are working on and are interested in doing a meeting,
ping admin@ directly.

This is a page on the www about doing a meeting:


Basically, relevant topics include:

* "classic" (or real) Unix stuff

* particular BSD implementation and development use-cases, ie, how a
particular BSD solution can or did accomplish $task. These can be "in
production" scenarios, but they don't have to it.

We are always open to more development-related meetings.

Port specific topics aren't generally good meetings.  Those tend to turn
into "first, cd to $dir, then make install, then edit the config file"
and at worst, sectarian debates like with configuration management.

On the www site is a (long) list of past meetings that might give you an
idea.  If you've spoken in the past for NYC*BUG, we are always open to
repeat speakers.

Discussion on this topic is certainly relevant for all of talk at .


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