[talk] a Guardian article

George Rosamond george at ceetonetechnology.com
Fri Mar 31 09:06:00 EDT 2017

Charles Sprickman:
>> On Mar 30, 2017, at 8:38 PM, George Rosamond <george at ceetonetechnology.com> wrote:
>> Yet another article about mitigating the sale of user data by ISPs...
>> except this one features a picture which is piqued my interest...
>> https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/mar/30/privacy-protection-web-browsing-history-data-congress
>> Anyone notice the cover in the lower right corner?
>> Can you imagine a technical library with both *that* book and an ASP.net
>> AJAX book on the same floor?
>> funny stock photos…
> There’s a story there too:
> http://www.wocintechchat.com/blog/wocintechphotos <http://www.wocintechchat.com/blog/wocintechphotos>

Ah interesting.

Good stuff Spork!


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