[talk] NYC*BUG Tonight: Ensuring Perl's Viability on FreeBSD

George Rosamond george at ceetonetechnology.com
Wed Nov 7 08:57:00 EST 2018

Ensuring Perl's Viability on FreeBSD: A NYCBUG-NY.PM Collaboration,
James E Keenan, Andrew Villano
2018-11-07 @ 18:30 - Suspenders, 108 Greenwich Street, 2nd Floor

How have NYCBUG and New York Perlmongers collaborated to ensure the
continued viability of Perl 5 on FreeBSD?

This will be a report on the progress of a collaboration between the New
York City BSD User Group (NYCBUG) and New York Perlmongers (NY.pm) to
ensure the continued viabilty of the Perl 5 programming language and
ecosystem on the FreeBSD operating system. We'll consider:

    The Perl 5 core distribution and development process
    Testing the Perl 5 core distribution on various platforms
    The Perl 5 ecosystem: CPAN
    Testing CPAN on various platforms: CPANtesters
    The Perl 5 development process in relation to CPAN
    The need for diversity in testing environments
    The NYCBUG-NY.pm collaboration
    Preparation of the testing environment
    Testing Perl monthly development releases against CPAN on FreeBSD

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