[talk] Next NYCBug: 2/6, plus March meeting subject ...

Amitai Schleier schmonz-lists-netbsd-public-nycbug-talk at schmonz.com
Fri Feb 1 13:32:37 EST 2019

On 1 Feb 2019, at 10:09, Patrick McEvoy wrote:

> Does anyone have any requests/suggestions for future NYCBug meetings?
> We have a possible, but not firm speaker for March, so if anyone else
> has a talk idea, we would love to hear it.

I've been meaning to get back to NYCBUG since returning from the 
midwest, but we're living in Rockland and had a kid. Being on the hook 
for a talk would help me make the shlep. :-)

For instance, I gave an Ignite talk at DevOpsDays NYC last week called 
"Run Your Own Email Server". I've been investing time and effort into 
making this easy with qmail (really) for most any platform, thanks to 
pkgsrc. If there's interest, I'd be happy to present my recent work.

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