[talk] When is hardware too old?

Pete Wright pete at nomadlogic.org
Fri Oct 11 22:05:37 EDT 2019

On 10/9/19 6:01 PM, Charles Sprickman wrote:
> Hi all,
> Some home lab advice…? So I’ve been gifted an old Dell R-720. It’s from 2012 or so, pretty old.
> It has:
> 2 CPUs - Intel Xeon CPU E5-2609 0 @ 2.40GHz, 4 cores (8 w/hyperthreading)
> 48 GB RAM - DDR3 DIMM 1066MHz (6 x 8GB)
> PERC 710 mini RAID controller w/512MB RAM and battery backup
> 4 Broadcom 1Gb/s NICs
> 600 GB Seagate 15K 3.5” drive x 5 (2 are showing errors, may or may not be bad)
> iDRAC 7 (no enterprise license)
> It all seems to be in working order, other than two possibly bad drives.
> So… I have three options:
> - recycle
> - give away
> - use for some VMs
> - sell (maybe $300 if I’m lucky and go local w/craigslist?)

shoot the r720's are a pretty good form factor - i've used them pretty 
extensively mysql cluster nodes.  if i had the space i'd def keep it and 
use it for hosting a tor relay among other network services :^)


Pete Wright
pete at nomadlogic.org

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