[talk] NYC*BUG jobs@ list

George Rosamond george at ceetonetechnology.com
Sun Apr 19 15:45:53 EDT 2020


These are incredibly tough times all around, including for those who
work in technology.

With that in mind, we hope that NYC*BUG can play a small role in helping
those looking for a job or a consulting gig. Our jobs@ list
(http://lists.nycbug.org:8080/mailman/listinfo/jobs) sat dormant for a
while, but we hope we can resurrect it for these times.

If your company has work available, and is hiring full-time, part-time
or consultants, please join the jobs@ list and post your offerings.

Please also consider posting any one-off temporary projects, as even a
single project could help someone out in the short term.

If you know of anyone hiring, please forward them this email.

Positions posted don't need to be strictly BSD-related, of course.

In order to post to the list, you *must* subscribe to it. If anyone has
any problems joining or posting to the list, please ping admin@ offline.


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