[talk] January 08 meeting

Amitai Schleier schmonz-lists-netbsd-public-nycbug-talk at schmonz.com
Fri Jan 10 21:59:55 EST 2020

On 9 Jan 2020, at 20:15, George Rosamond wrote:

> On 1/9/20 7:44 PM, James E Keenan wrote:
>> I would like to say that I really appreciated Amitai Schleier's talk 
>> at
>> NYCBUG last night -- particularly his remarks about the 
>> value/challenges
>> of legacy code and about the initial organization of an open source
>> community software project.
> Maybe some context Jim for those of us who didn't make it?

Thank you, Jim, for your appreciation. For my part, I appreciated 
everyone's attention and curiosity. Many excellent questions made it 
less talk-y and more conversational, which is to say, better.

For George and others who couldn't be there, this was about notqmail 
(https://notqmail.org), a collaborative qmail fork I instigated over the 
summer. Slides are at https://schmonz.com/talk/2020-nyc-january/ and Pat 
will have video for us soonish.

In the meantime, I recorded a half-hour podcast episode about notqmail a 
few weeks before our first release, and the episode finally dropped 
today: https://schmonz.com/talk/20200110-programming-leadership/

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