[jobs] Great Job Opportunities available ASAP- NYC

George Rosamond george at ceetonetechnology.com
Wed Aug 8 12:37:39 EDT 2012

On 08/07/12 18:46, Chin SPG wrote:
> Where are my manners?
> I apologize about this. I am new and relatively unknown to the group, so
> I suppose my first step should have been a formal introduction. Pardon me.
> My name is Chintan Vora. I work for Solomon Page Group's Technology

Thanks Chin.  An introduction is nice.

A major concern on jobs lists is regarding legitimacy of job opportunity

We are on the watch for "fishing expeditions" in which recruiters or
more explicitly malicious parties request resumes with vague job

To those applying: confirm who you are sending your CV/resume to.  Too
much personal information is available in one's credentials.

To those posting jobs: this is not a forum for the mass acquisition of
user data for whatever purpose you have in mind.  Let us know who you
are, and what jobs you are looking to recruit for.  This list contains a
good number of highly qualified people.  Respect them and they could
make you very happy.

Again, thanks Eric for being on top of this.  He asked exactly what
everyone should be thinking.


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