[Semibug] suckless st Control -/+ patch

Eddie Thieda eddie.thieda at gmail.com
Wed Jul 17 00:16:07 EDT 2019

If anyone's interested in having st (simple terminal) setup the way
that I use it to allow Control -/+ to increase/decrease the font size.


$ git clone git://git.suckless.org/st
...modify to your needs
BUT BEFORE compiling apply this patch (below)

--- config.def.h        Wed Jul 17 00:02:09 2019
+++ /home/eddie/Repos/suckless/st/config.def.h  Tue May 21 16:41:45 2019
@@ -170,6 +170,10 @@
        { ControlMask,          XK_Print,       toggleprinter,  {.i =  0} },
        { ShiftMask,            XK_Print,       printscreen,    {.i =  0} },
        { XK_ANY_MOD,           XK_Print,       printsel,       {.i =  0} },
+       { ControlMask,          XK_equal,       zoom,           {.f = +1} },
+       { ControlMask,          XK_minus,       zoom,           {.f = -1} },
+       { ControlMask,          XK_KP_Add,      zoom,           {.f = +1} },
+       { ControlMask,          XK_KP_Subtract, zoom,           {.f = -1} },
        { TERMMOD,              XK_Prior,       zoom,           {.f = +1} },
        { TERMMOD,              XK_Next,        zoom,           {.f = -1} },
        { TERMMOD,              XK_Home,        zoomreset,      {.f =  0} },

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