[Semibug] SystemD is literally the kitchen sink of Linux ; Linux starting to feel more and more alien as the years go on

Kyle Willett kyle.d.willett at gmail.com
Wed Dec 6 16:59:51 EST 2023


Read this article on a slow day at work and yes I realize there are
distros other than RHEL like Gentoo that use OpenRC, but work uses

I used FreeBSD for the first time around 2004-2006. It was version 4
or 5 something. (I don't know if I still have the CD sets to tell).
It has largely stayed the same.  Just steady improvements.

I started using OpenBSD in 2019 and while it sees incredible changes;
the way the user interacts with the system is largely unchanged.

Linux on the other hand is so alien from 2004! Back when Linux ran 2.4
series kernels and the early 2.6 series it was a cool OS.

Now to quote the article: "Most internal process tracking is now using
PIDFDs rather than PIDs when running on a supported kernel."  What the
heck is a PIDFD instead of a PID.  All Unix users know what a PID is
it is universal but Linux has to be different.

Since Microsoft and Red Hat and other big companies have gotten so
heavily invested in Linux development it has lost its heart and soul.

Don't get me wrong this isn't a completely bash on Linux post, it
still excels in some areas compared to any BSD, namely gaming thanks
to Valve's Proton, and is FLOSS Software so better than windows

Use the tool that is best for the job they say.  I think that Linux is
increasingly an OS that I don't have a task for the tool because the
head is a multitool with all of these attachments to create a mental
image.  Sometimes you just need a screwdriver or socket wrench and the
*BSDs serve a great job for that.  A purpose built tool is always
better than a multitool.

Not that Windows is any better than Linux.
Poor people who don't want to upgrade working processors to get a TPM
chip in their processors and keep using Windows 10 are being forced in
the new year to buy paid security patching for Windows 10 to keep on
using it securely.  Source:

Thank God and the developers we have OpenBSD and FreeBSD and NetBSD
and DragonflyBSD!

Hope this didn't offend anyone, my apologies if it did.

-Kyle W

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