[nycbug-talk] just joined the list...

Pete Wright pete
Mon Dec 20 17:57:18 EST 2004

On Mon, Dec 20, 2004 at 03:48:53PM -0500, Greg Faber wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> We're using FreeBSD at work here (courtesy no doubt of Pete Wright) and 
> I have a question for the group.
hey greg, so you all are staying with the freebsd backup box eh?  woo

> On Friday, I typed a few basic commands like:
> $>sudo rm -rf untitled\ folder
> after typing this I got no new prompt, nothing. I couldn't ctrl-c to 
> cancel the command or anything. I couldn't type any new commands 
> either. Not knowing what to do, I closed my terminal window and 
> re-ssh'd into it, hoping that I could just kill whatever process might 
> still be running. I did "ps" and sure enough the process was still 
> there so I tried to kill it. That didn't work so I tried sudo kill -9 
> and that didn't work and actually added the process to the list of 
> running processes. So now I have a bunch of processes that are still 
> running and I don't know how to get rid of them. It's pissing me off... 
> Here's the readout from ps:
> backupman at archiver ~ > ps
> 54649  p2- D      0:00.01 sudo rm untitled folder/
> 54662  p2- D      0:00.01 sudo rm -rf untitledfolder/
> 54814  p2- D      0:00.01 sudo mv writers reel.ai writers_reel.ai
> 54838  p2- D      0:00.00 /bin/csh /backup/tools/backup_DLT /dev/nsa0 
> beckett.ba
> 54857  p2- D      0:00.01 sudo kill -9 54649
> 54921  p2- D      0:00.00 /bin/csh /backup/tools/backup_DLT 
> beckett_tape1.backup
> 58543  p2  Ss     0:00.02 -tcsh (tcsh)
> 58581  p2  R+     0:00.00 ps
> so if anyone has any ideas, I'm all ears.

that's wierd, does the "untitled\ folder" still exist.  I bet what's
happening is that you did not escape the space between untitled and
folder and something has gone screwy.  it also looks like you are doing
a tar to the sDLT machine, is the directory on the same volume as the
media that is being backed up.  there may be an issue there.  hope
click's going ok btw.


Peter Wright
pete at nomadlogic.org

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