[nycbug-talk] SSH client session multiplexing

Okan Demirmen okan
Sun Jul 25 23:21:20 EDT 2004

On Sun 2004.07.25 at 21:53 -0400, pete wright wrote:
> heh...maybe i can't read :)  sorry 'bout that.  i think i'm a bit foggy 
> on how screen and multiplexing differ.  i guess it's one of those 
> things i'll just have to do eh?  so how do you config your sshd and ssh 
> conf's to utilize multiplexing, i'm intrigued.  i'll look it up, but 
> are there any hints to get one started?

well, while we wait on the list server to spit out our mails...here is an
example ~/.ssh/config that kinda shows what one can do...and check your
tcp states while you're at it - all over one session.

# create multiplexed session and a local forward
Host myhost 
        HostName myhost.example.com
        ControlMaster yes
        ControlPath ~/.ssh/myhost-ctrl
        LocalForward 2201

# ssh to myhost over session
Host myh  
        ControlPath ~/.ssh/myhost-ctrl

# ssh to myhost with X forwarding over the same session
Host m-X
        ControlPath ~/.ssh/myhost-ctrl
        ForwardX11 yes

# ssh to local forward via session
Host m-2201
        ControlPath ~/.ssh/myhost-ctrl
        HostName localhost
        Port 2201

# ssh and create a new local forward
Host m-2202
        ControlPath ~/.ssh/myhost-ctrl
        LocalForward 2202

Okan Demirmen <okan at demirmen.com>
PGP-Key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xB3670934
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