[nycbug-talk] FreeBSD 5.2/Apache/PHP/SquirrelMail

Sunny Dubey sunny-ml
Thu Jun 3 19:00:56 EDT 2004

On Thursday 03 June 2004 06:34 pm, Kevin Reiter wrote:
> All,
> I just finished adding Apache 1.3.29 + MOD SSL with PHP 4.3.4 and
> SquirrelMail v1.4.2 .  The problem is twofold:
> 1.  PHP pages are being displayed as normal text (code) rather than being
> interpreted by the browser.

you need to add the following to your httpd.conf file:

LoadModule php4_module	modules/libphp4.so
AddType					application/x-httpd-php .php

(the above assumes php was built as a module, if it was built statically I 
believe that u can simply omit the first line. (u will need to restart 

dunno about your second problem

Sunny Dubey

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