[nycbug-talk] Don't like it? Do something. (was no more apache updates)

G.Rosamond george
Wed Jun 23 23:20:20 EDT 2004

On Jun 23, 2004, at 11:05 PM, Dan Langille wrote:

> On 23 Jun 2004 at 22:21, Josh McCormack wrote:
>> Robert Collins wrote:
>>>> I like that people are expected to write code or shutup.
>> <snip>
>>> ...I'm just saying maybe non-coders do contribute after all. It 
>>> sounds more
>>> like the problem is them complaining and demanding. Which brings us 
>>> back to
>>> attracting more flies with honey than vinegar. It's something that 
>>> most of
>>> us, especially myself, can use a lesson in.
>>> -rcollins
>> I agree with you completely. There are a lot of ways to contribute 
>> other
>> than code. But what I feel the code or shutup thing means is - do what
>> you want to do to contribute, and don't think you have the authority 
>> to
>> tell someone else what they should do.
> Recommended reading items:
>   http://www.freebsddiary.org/advocacy.php
>   http://www.freebsddiary.org/howtoimprove.php
>   http://www.freebsddiary.org/tell-your-story.php
>   http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2002/01/31/Big_Scary_Daemons.html
> For what it's worth:
> I didn't like the end-user documentation.  I started The FreeBSD
> Diary. I liked how Freshmeat worked.  I improved on it by creating
> FreshPorts. I liked the OSW-style conferences, so I created BSDCan.
> If you think an idea is good, do it. Don't want for "approval".

Ditto Dan. . .just do it. . .

There's no hierarchy of activity. . .particulary since the bsd 
community is so atomized. . .

We're everywhere. . ..under rocks, hiding behind trees, etc.  Put out a 
call and you'll get people moving.

You're not alone.


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