[nycbug-talk] ftp client....

Bob Ippolito bob
Mon May 24 09:28:44 EDT 2004

On May 24, 2004, at 9:19 AM, Pete Wright wrote:

> George Georgalis wrote:
>> Thought the nycbug folks might know this as well as anyone...  I'm
>> looking for an ftp client that runs on Mac, needs be GUI, idiot proof
>> and have ability to do recursive put on a bsd-ftpd directory with mode
>> 333. Any ideas?
> fetch for OSX is your best shot in my opinion 
> (http://www.fetchsoftworks.com/).  you have to pay like $20 for it, 
> but considering i've been using fetch for free since the mid 90's i 
> think it's worth it.

There's also RBrowser (which wraps, or at least used to wrap, the CLI 
utilities with a Cocoa UI) and Transmit (another classic).  I don't 
have any significant experience with any of them though.

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