[nycbug-talk] BSD Binary Updates

Bjorn Nelson o_sleep
Wed Apr 6 16:06:22 EDT 2005

On Apr 6, 2005, at 8:54 AM, Chris Coleman wrote:
> We are currently beta testing a new site.  http://www.bsdupdates.com
> The goal of this site is to make binary updates and upgrades 
> available, some free some commercial.  This is an extension off of the 
> work done by Colin Percival on his FreeBSDUpdates project.
> Please take a look at the site and give feedback on what needs to 
> change before we launched.  There is one patch available that updates 
> the security flaw in fetch.  Let me know if you have any questions or 
> difficulties.

Dang, and I was just starting to get used to radmind ;)

This is great news, been looking for something like this.

Btw, I get these warnings when trying to sign up.  (Have verbose errors 
because you are still in testing mode?):
Unknown column 'level' in 'field list'
Warning: mkdir(/home/daemonnews/db/): File exists in 
/home/daemonnews/www/bsdupdates.com/register.php on line 102

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by 
(output started at /home/daemonnews/www/bsdupdates.com/register.php:98) 
in /home/daemonnews/www/bsdupdates.com/register.php on line 104

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by 
(output started at /home/daemonnews/www/bsdupdates.com/register.php:98) 
in /home/daemonnews/www/bsdupdates.com/register.php on line 105


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