[nycbug-talk] Monitoring programs

Kevin Reiter tux
Sat Aug 20 21:49:01 EDT 2005

Francisco Reyes wrote:
> On Fri, 19 Aug 2005, Marc Spitzer wrote:
>> now for service monitoring/trending take a look at smokeping, dont
>> know if it is in ports though.
> Interesting package.

Smokeping is in ports.  On the 4.11-RELEASE box I tested it on, it kept 
core dumping, and I didn't get it working well enough using the various 
options, so I moved on to something else.


> Of the packages mentioned (criket, nagios, big brother) any suggestions 
> as to which one is relatively easy AND secure?

Big Brother can be secured by putting it behind your firewall and checking 
it through a VPN.  There's probably other ways, but that's how we do it, 
and it works fairly well, since there's about 4 monitors for each client 
through a VPN session - Big Brother, and 3 BASE screens (outside/attack, 
and various others across the LAN, depending on the client.)

.01 x 2

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