[nycbug-talk] Beastie of an OS (review of FreeBSD 6.0b3)

pete wright nomadlogic
Tue Aug 30 11:41:44 EDT 2005

On 8/30/05, Mikel King <mikel.king at ocsny.com> wrote:
> The following article was obviously written by a linux guy, and
> overall he gives it a thumbs up. There isn't anything earth
> shattering in the article from a typical BSD user's perspective, but
> linux users who read might be persuaded to give it a go.

heh, can't help myself...but I think he's got things a little backwards here 

"Can you install Slackware? Then you can install FreeBSD. In fact it even 
looks very much like Slackware's."

oh yea, and slackware also came up with the idea of packaging applications 
in .pkg's as well...


Pete Wright
www.nycbug.org <http://www.nycbug.org>
NYC's *BSD User Group
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