[nycbug-talk] dealing with drift

Isaac Levy ike
Mon Feb 28 12:17:52 EST 2005

Hi All,

I was just wanting to post on some of the post-meeting conversations 
I've repeatedly over-heard about managing time-drift across clusters of 
machines- (you know who you people are...)

How do folks like to do this?  Special tools beyond rockin' timed?  
Anyone know any good urls on the topic (either practical or acidemic)?


P.S. below, (since I'm talking about time), ikepoch script (for Hans?)

#!/usr/bin/env python
# iketime
# Therefore, if one subtracts their birth-date
# expressed in epoch, from the current time in epoch,
# one arrives at personal epoch- or, the total number
# of seconds one has been alive.
# The epoch, is the point where the time starts.
# On January 1st of that year, at 0 hours, the
# ``time since the epoch'' is zero.  For Unix,
# the epoch is 1970.
# I, Isaac Levy was born August 10, 1976, 4:11AM MST.
# This is GMT+7, therefore making my birth date 11:11 GMT.
# or, expressed using time.gmtime(),
# (1976, 8, 10, 11, 11, 00, 1, tm_yday, 0)
# Special thanks to chopin (jer at zetaweb.com) for finding
# a bug in my comments which were confusing.

from calendar import timegm
from time import time

birthday = (1976, 8, 10, 11, 11, 0, 1, 223, 0)
print time() - float(timegm(birthday))

The above time returned is the number of seconds which I have been
alive.  Modify the 'birthday' value to get your personal epoch.

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