[nycbug-talk] Odd log messages with OpenVPN bridge

Jonathan jonathan
Thu Feb 3 16:08:13 EST 2005

Dru wrote:
> On Thu, 3 Feb 2005, Jonathan wrote:
>> I keep getting the following messages in my daily security run and 
>> clearly they have something to do with network looping but I don't 
>> know what causes them or how to look into them further.  I did try but 
>> Google turned up nothing at all :P
>> server.kc8onw.net kernel log messages:
>>>> -- loop (0) to rl0 from tap0 (active)
> <snip>
> Someone with network socket programming experience could explain exactly 
> what's happening, but I suspect it has something to do with:
> man tap
> /error
> And, even if you can't read source code, you still might find something 
> useful by checking out the comments in the source:
> locate tap.c
> grep "*/" /usr/src/sys/net/if_tap.c
I didn't think to check the source file before, although I did skim the 
man page before my first mail at least :)  I didn't see anything useful 
in the man page or source code and I don't think the problem is tap 
specific.  I think its more of a general network issue possibly 
something to do with the fact that bridge(4) does not support 802.1d but 
I really don't know :P  I put more configuration information in my reply 
to Isaac Levy's post.


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