[nycbug-talk] network diversity

Marc Spitzer mspitzer
Fri Jun 24 02:49:19 EDT 2005

did not read those articles yet, I have read others in the past.  Will
read later

On 6/23/05, George R. <george at sddi.net> wrote:
> And when it comes to desktops, you obviously can't have diversity
> between them, but rather within them, meaning not going the whole MS
> suite from Office to IE, and not various desktop OSs and configuration.

I don't know if I agree, training costs money and time lost from work
also costs money.  The real question is is it cheaper to take the hit
every now and again, office gets herpes and dies, or to have lots of
ongoing costs training people up to speed in multiple office suites? 
Once you get out of the most basic tasks all of them do things
differently/ put stuff under different menus etc.  And you have to be
able to exchange docs as well, a whole different pain in the neck.


> Other thoughts on this?
> I need to dig up the other talks on this. . .
> George
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