[nycbug-talk] Memory sizing

Marc Spitzer mspitzer at gmail.com
Sun Apr 23 15:51:26 EDT 2006

On 4/23/06, Francisco Reyes <lists at stringsutils.com> wrote:
> Pete Wright writes:
> > if you have the money i'd go with 15k RPM scsi drives in a RAID 10
> > configuration.
> I am not sure we have money for 10K RPM scsi disks, much less 15K RPM. The
> issue is space.. The 300GB SCSI disks are about 4 times the cost of 7.2K RPM
> IDEs. The 10K RPM IDE Raptors only go to 150GB..
> I think we can either go RAID 10 with 7.2K RPM 300GB IDE or RAID 5 with 10K
> RPM 145GB disks. I am hoping raid 5 with 7 spindles, plus going to SCSI,
> would make up for using raid 5 instead of 10.

Also keep in mind that most ata/sata drives are designed around a 30%
duty-cycle and scsi server disks are designed around a much higher
duty cycle.  If you are going to be using this as a server you may
have a very high failure rate in sata disks.

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