[nycbug-talk] radrails on FreeBSD?

Trish Lynch trish at bsdunix.net
Fri Jul 7 22:54:44 EDT 2006

On Fri, 7 Jul 2006, Anthony Elizondo wrote:

> On 7/7/06, Charles Sprickman <spork at bway.net> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I know nothing of Java other than it's a pain in the ass. :)

I've been native java versions on FreeBSD for a while now, and I use them 
in production (not for java app servers (like tomcat) but for actual java 
applications that serve the backbone of paltalk (http://www.paltalk.com), 
especially on 6.x I have had very little issue with java and the only 
issues I've had with recent builds on 5.x is that it runs a little hot.

You have to build the package yourself but after that you can mvoe it 
between boxes as long as you also install the dependencies...

For more info see my Java on FreeBSD talk that is recorded up on the 
NYCBUG site.


Trish Lynch					   trish at bsdunix.net
Ecartis Core Team 			      trish at listmistress.org
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